What question(s) do you have?
How can we serve and add value to you?
Monday-Tuesday-Thursday: 7am-8pm ADT
Wednesday: 7am-5pm ADT
Friday 7am-12pm ADT
Saturday 10am-1pm ADT (Summer Hours)
Sunday Closed
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why should I engage the services of Emotional Fitness® Academy?
The Emotional Fitness® Academy is equipped with professionally licensed educators, facilitators and faculty members with life experience that align with their licensed Emotional Fitness® training. The Emotional Fitness® Academy offers specialized just-in-time experiential education & training tools aligned with professionalism, accreditation and leading-edge educational pursuits. Emotional Fitness® provides the best, most effective and longest lasting of “soft skills” experiential education and training.
2. What’s the difference in the Emotional Fitness® Academy’s educational approach & what can I expect?
We use a unique approach & tool-kit, developed by Warren Redman nearly forty years ago. Our triple bottom line (People, Planet, Profit) ensures we put people and the planet first. Our Mission is to educate people through Emotional Fitness® tools in order to use their personal and professional strengths while experiencing their growth & development so they are in turn empowered to educate others. There is no advice given with the Emotional Fitness® Approach. The Emotional Fitness® Approach allows you to discover your own truth and your own inner wisdom. This is the best way for you to achieve your own personal & professional goals while living your life more authentically.
3. What does this experiential education & training bring me?
The Emotional Fitness® Academy is your “Centre of Excellence” in experiential education and training with personal and professional development specializing in E-Fitness (Emotional Fitness®) facilitated in large part over a digital platform and on a global scale. The Emotional Fitness® Approach and tools of Emotional Fitness® have been in place since 1984. It brings you tools to engage your own innate wisdom and experience.
4. What are the primary focus areas for the Emotional Fitness® Academy?
The Emotional Fitness Academy is your “Experiential Education Center of Excellence”!
We offer:
- Leading-edge experiential Emotional Fitness® tools
- A tool-kit for life in the 21st century
- An investment focus on People, Planet, Profit
- An innovative approach to personal and professional development
At this point in time, based on the needs & request of our clients, we have focused increased resources in the following two (2) areas:
- Emotional Fitness® Intervention for TASL (Trauma, Addiction, Suicide ideation, Loss)
- Emotional Fitness® Intervention for LOC (Leadership & Organizational Culture)
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