Truly, Who Am I?

Illusions of free will, perceiving control over various circumstances, presuming successful navigation through the conditions of his ‘destiny’, Luciano was repeatedly reminded; by two failed marriages, no financial security and lacking a sense of purpose, of the repeated patterns of thought and behaviour plaguing his journey. “I was stuck and didn’t even know it most of the time. What I did know was that I was unhappy and suffering. I had no language or framework to define my self-limiting beliefs.” ‘Putting in the time’ seemed to be the MO that worked – the routines of daily commitments filled the waking hours; yet genuine fulfillment was never within reach. At best, shallow pleasures distracted him, filling
and masking the sense of emptiness and struggles within.

In retrospect, a recognition for doing the necessary work to connect with his Self got underway through enrolling in a BA of Psychology program (Concordia University). His degree provided a foundation to accept that there was more to himself than he was ever able to imagine while growing up in a psychologically oppressive home laden with emotional and physical trauma. Quite recently, a label became available – Luciano functioned within a trauma-informed framework burdened with a low sense of self-worth and social skills and a myriad of self-sabotaging beliefs. Throughout, he pursued a life endeavouring to understand and redefine what his programming had dictated him to be thus transforming to who he was to become – trying his hand, mind and heart at a variety of career paths based in the belief that his vocation should not define him rather that his path (choices) should reflect his values.

Drawing from over 30 years of living experiences spanning multiple care-giving roles (chronologically) as a Personal Support Worker for mentally challenged, Youth Worker/Community Developer, Father/Home Builder, Educational Assistant and School Intervention Worker, Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and most recently Emotional Fitness® Coach, Luciano has identified his Purpose/Why as twofold: To Connect with others and Service to others. “At this moment in time, I can confidently say that by acting on my Purpose as guide that I am truly myself.” He endeavours to share his training, always staying true to the ethics of Emotional Fitness® and the fundamental belief that each of us possess an Innate Wisdom, where the answers to our deeply personal questions reside. As EF® Coach, he is committed to facilitate and support the process of exploration and expression of self-awareness as identified by each practitioner.

Firmly believing that he is a work in perpetual progress on a journey of constant evolution, Luciano embraces the teachings available to him through Emotional Fitness® and Kundalini Yoga as he ventures forward while acknowledging his True Self. Informed by listening to himself, he continues to cultivate meaningful relationships with family, friends and colleagues and seeks to connect with those willing to explore the connection between the Emotional Body and Physical Body; Men seeking a supportive environment to connect with their vulnerability; those seeking to vanquish over self-limiting beliefs and behaviors; and other RMTs seeking tools to bolster their relationships with their patients.


“The focus is not about WHAT I’m going through, but more about HOW I’m processing it.”

Written By Luciano Onichino, Partner, Father, BA (Psychology), Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), Emotional Fitness® Coach

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